Lena Dunham says taking a break after 'Girls' was "necessary to survive"
“There was a little while there when I wasn’t hearing my own voice”

Lena Dunham lost film role aged 12 after refusing to "smile on command"
Dunham said director Penny Marshall “was right” not to hire her

Lena Dunham celebrates 10th anniversary of 'Girls'
“This was my attempt to understand my relationships with women”

Lena Dunham on recovering from drug addiction: “Getting off Klonopin was the hardest”
Dunham was first prescribed the drug aged 12

Lena Dunham pays tribute to ‘Girls’ co-star Peter Scolari: “We will miss you so much”
The has actor died aged 66 from cancer

A photograph of Lena Dunham attempting to kiss Brad Pitt has started a debate about double standards

Lena Dunham delivers a speech alongside Aurora Perrineau's mother and expresses "regret" over allegations

Lena Dunham is adapting a Syrian refugee story for Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams, and people aren't happy

Lena Dunham says she apologised to Donald Glover for 'Girls' role