Diddy’s legal team claims he is “innocent” because videos show “fully consenting adults”

However, prosecutors say the videos show evidence of coercion

Defence attorneys for Sean “Diddy” Combs claim that videos prove the rapper’s “innocence” as they depict “consenting adults”.

After reviewing videos of the hip-hop star’s “freak offs” – which apparently show sexual activity between the rapper, a woman and male sex workers – defence attorneys Marc Agnifilo and Teny Geragos said they will “confirm Mr. Combs’s innocence” because they show sexual activity among “consenting adults.”

“Contrary to what the government has led this Court and the public to believe, the so-called ‘Freak Offs’ were private sexual activity between fully consenting adults in a long-term relationship,” they said, as quoted in ABC News.

These nine videos, which are currently available for the defence attorneys to view, have been called “elaborate and produced sex performances” by prosecution lawyers. Prosecution lawyers argue that these “freak offs” are evidence that Combs coerced, drugged and kidnapped women into sexual activity – and also hired sex workers to join them.


According to a court filing from Tuesday (January 14), Combs’ attorneys viewed the evidence under the supervision of law enforcement on November 20 and December 13 2024.

In a civil lawsuit, Ventura claimed that Combs “regularly beat and kicked” her, “leaving black eyes, bruises, and blood”. It described the “freak offs” as drug-fueled, dayslong sexual performances where the rapper coerced people to join him and filmed the activity.

However, Combs’ defence team disagreed. “These videos unambiguously show that the person alleged in the indictment to be ‘Victim-1’ not only consented but thoroughly enjoyed herself,” the defense said.


“At bottom, this case is about whether Victim-I was or was not a willing participant in her private sex life with Mr. Combs. The videos confirm that she plainly was.”

Combs has denied all allegations against him through legal representatives. He has been denied bail multiple times, with the first denial coming after he offered a $50million (£40.1million) bond. He was then reportedly placed on suicide watch.

For more help, advice or more information regarding sexual harassment, assault and rape in the UK, visit the Rape Crisis charity website. In the US, visit RAINN.

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